The LS mobile team helps Open Social to develop iOS and Android platforms enabling quick deployment of a white label mobile app for any of their clients, such as Greenpeace, HONK, WAGGGS Campfire, and Policy Kitchen.
Web development team for a Dutch community SaaS provider
We provide Open Social with a dedicated full-time web development team. Together, we develop and maintain the Open Social platform itself along with a variety of enterprise projects based on it.
Lemberg Solutions' dedicated Drupal and React development team enables LELO, a Swedish intimate lifestyle company, to handle website migration and ongoing website maintenance tasks on time.
We’ve provided our client with dedicated engineers to extend their in-house development team. Our specialists help the in-house team by taking on up to 30% of the total workload., one of the world’s top 25 tourism websites as of August 8th, 2017, is a website for locals, tourists, and everyone keen to discover Limerick. The website is divided into four main sections: Discover, Business, Council and My Limerick.