Web development team for a Norway-based consultancy company
Ny Media is a consultancy company in Norway. Their core expertise is building digital business and marketing strategies.
Front-end developer, back-end developer, project manager
Trondheim, Norway
Delivered value
We’ve provided Ny Media with up to four dedicated professionals at once. Two of our Drupal developers work with Ny Media full-time, helping them build and maintain products. This includes adding new features, fixing bugs, and migrating projects to Drupal 8.
The process
We met Ny Media in 2018 at DrupalCamp Oslo. They were looking for Drupal developers, which are scarce in Norway, and quickly saw the potential in our Drupal development services.
Our challenge was to provide Ny Media with experienced Drupal developers who were also excellent at business analysis and communication. Honest and transparent feedback from Ny Media helped us find the dedicated developers they needed.
Right now, two of our Drupal developers work with our client full-time. They help Ny Media’s in-house team build and maintain projects. We’ve also had a chance to work on a project from scratch, which was an excellent opportunity to show our team’s skills.
How we work

Working with Lemberg Solutions has given us the opportunity to quickly extend our development team. They are expertly skilled and are working with us on complex projects. We also have good and effective communication in our projects.