Energy management software solutions we provide

Smart metering system

Get advice from our expert team on integrating smart metering solutions and software platforms required to manage energy usage. IoT gateways and smart meters can remotely collect utility data and provide valuable insights on electricity, water, heating, and gas resource usage.

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Battery energy storage system

Build robust battery management, energy consumption management, power conditioning, battery charge controller, and other software systems with our help to enable equipment to store renewable energy, monitor energy consumption in peak periods, and ensure smooth energy transition. 

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EV wallbox charging system

Make EV charging more intelligent, convenient, and affordable. Our engineers can build an EV wallbox charging system by adding IoT connectivity and real-time synchronization with your charge point management application. The smart wallbox charging system can provide valuable energy usage data insights and enable remote device configurations, OTA firmware updates, and automatic billing.

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Olga Lysak, Head of AI Development at Lemberg Solutions
Talk about your development needs with our expert team

Battery data analytics

Calculate your battery SoC & SoH with advanced data collecting and analytical tools our team can build for your needs. You can get predictions on battery range, voltage, power, temperature, and overall lifespan. We provide a wide range of data science services, from SoH & SoC algorithms, custom battery telemetry modules, and battery energy data collection tools development to building a robust battery energy data analytics system.

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Energy monitoring dashboard

Create an energy monitoring dashboard with our assistance to simplify and improve your customers' energy consumption visibility. Such a solution can help its users considerably optimize expenses by detecting and reducing energy waste.

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What our clients say

Marcus Becker - powerfox - Lemberg Solutions
Marcus Becker - powerfox - Lemberg Solutions

Lemberg contributed significantly to professionalize and scale the powerfox platform as well as our app offering by bringing state-of-the-art knowledge to the table.

Our energy software development services

Data science & machine learning 

  • Battery analytics data collection, analysis, and algorithm development
  • Energy demands prediction
  • Analysis of large data volumes from the energy system
  • Predictive maintenance

Cloud & DevOps

  • Cloud-based energy software development
  • Cloud IoT services proficiency, particularly AWS and Azure
  • Cloud energy system architecture creation and optimization
  • Software systems migration to the cloud

Embedded engineering

  • Embedded energy management system design
  • Firmware and driver development for energy usage control
  • Embedded energy software upgrades
  • Custom battery telemetry module development

Web & mobile development

  • Energy storage system dashboard design and development
  • B2C mobile app development for energy system users
  • Energy software UI/UX design

Services & Cooperation models

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Solution discovery

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Solution discovery

Ask us to validate the technical feasibility, outline the project scope, estimate the timeline, and recommend the most suitable collaboration model.

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Tech consulting

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Tech consulting

Obtain a professional review and feedback on your product from our experts so we can create and implement improvements, enabling your business to scale effectively.

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End-to-end development

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End-to-end development

Have all your energy software development needs met in one place. We cover the entire product development life cycle, from developing a concept to delivering a solution ready for release.

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Team extension

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Team extension

Scale your internal team with our engineers to deliver your product to market faster or get the necessary expertise.

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Support & maintenance

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Support & maintenance

Ensure the stable operation of your energy solution thanks to proactive software maintenance and support services provided by our team.

Talk to our energy software engineering experts

Get in touch with Olga to talk about your business needs and learn more about our energy expertise.


  • What energy management software solutions LS team can build?

  • What are the benefits of partnering with Lemberg Solutions energy software company?

Let's discuss energy software development services for your project