Olga Lysak, Business Representative in Germany, Head of AI Business Development at Lemberg Solutions
Olga Lysak
CEO at Lemberg Solutions GmbH & Head of AI Business Development

Olga guides our customers on powering their software with AI capabilities, helping them to innovate and grow their business efficiency. Tap into her experience to get consulted on how AI can benefit your company and what it takes to implement it.

Articles by Olga Lysak

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7 minutes
IoT Product Development_ Common Myths & Opportunities - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image

IoT Product Development: Common Myths & Opportunities

Do you have an idea of an IoT device and would like to implement it, but still lack credible information concerning the opportunities of IoT? Read Lemberg Solutions’ guide to the myths and opportunities of IoT by Olga Lysak, our Head of AI Business Development and representative in Germany.
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5 minutes
5 Technologies That Are Shaping Embedded Development in 2022 - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image

5 Technologies That Are Shaping Embedded Development in 2022-23

On June 21–23, the global embedded community reunited at the 20th Embedded World trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany. The Lemberg Solutions team was among the 720 exhibitors, taking note of the popular technologies defining the direction embedded development will move in the coming years. In this article, we’ve rounded up our top five.