Ivan Kubara, Embedded Team Lead at Lemberg Solutions

Ivan Kubara

Embedded Team Lead

With over 4 years of experience in Embedded Linux engineering, Ivan leads tech projects to help our clients design and build highly operational embedded Linux systems for consumer electronics, healthcare, sports equipment, industrial automation, and laboratory equipment.

Embedded Linux
GUI Development
Industrial Automation
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Master’s Degree in automated management of technological processes, 2010-2015
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ph.D. in the field of devices and methods of control and determination of the composition of substances, 2015-2018

Articles by Ivan Kubara

What Is Qt framework, Why to Use It, and How?
Why choose Qt framework - Lemberg Solutions - meta image
What Is Qt framework, Why to Use It, and How?
02 May 2023
Are you looking for a GUI development solution that will cut your development time and costs? Read about Qt and learn whether it fits you.
Embedded Linux: What It Is, When and How to Use It
Embedded Linux_ What It Is, When and How to Use It - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image
Embedded Linux: What It Is, When and How to Use It
02 Sep 2022
Embedded Linux is an open-source tool for embedded systems that is designed to be the basis for the development of complex firmware for your device. In this article, our embedded engineers elaborate on how embedded Linux works and what advantages and disadvantages it has.