Setdar Saryyev
Setdar Saryyev
Android Developer

Articles by Setdar Saryyev

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7 minutes
Developing Basic Features for Your Fleet Management Application - Lemberg Solutions

Developing Basic Features for Your Fleet Management Application

Nowadays, mobile fleet management solutions and custom mobile application development services are becoming increasingly popular. Taxi driving, trucking, and even service companies include smartphones/tablets in their processes because of their many benefits. Using smart devices helps optimize the route, plan the service or delivery schedule, and, thus, reduce operational costs. 

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4 minutes
React Native, Flutter, Ionic and Xamarin: What is the Difference? - Lemberg Solutions

React Native, Flutter, Ionic and Xamarin: What is the Difference?

React Native, Flutter, Ionic and Xamarin are the most popular cross-platform frameworks today for mobile app development services. In some cases, developing your application with one of these frameworks might be a good alternative to a native approach since you need to create only one app that will work on multiple platforms.