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5 Real-Life Examples of Embedded Systems

Are you considering enhancing your device with embedded functionality or building an embedded system from scratch? Keep reading our quick review of five real-life examples of embedded systems we built for our clients. We’ll guide you through five embedded engineering projects in the consumer electronics, agritech, automotive, healthcare, and industrial IoT domains.  

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The link below will direct you to a video that provides an in-depth look at five examples of embedded systems, mirroring the content we present in this article.

What are embedded systems and their significance in our daily lives?

Embedded system is designed to perform a specific function and is composed of computer hardware and software. Embedded systems can also be integrated into larger systems and have fixed functionality. 

Embedded systems have already transformed our world by seamlessly integrating smart technologies into our daily routines. Embedded systems may have specifically tailored applications like a security system built for a particular company, as well as a wide-ranging application like mobile phones and washing machines.

Embedded engineering services are applied for thousands of versatile purposes, including industrial machines, consumer electronics, agricultural and processing industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, digital watches, household appliances, airplanes, vending machines, toys, and mobile devices.
Besides, an embedded system oftentimes works with the help of an in-built OS. Some of embedded operating system examples are traffic lights, ATMs, airplane controls, GPS navigation systems, elevators, etc. 

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4 Types of Embedded Systems

There are four main types of embedded systems — standalone, real-time, network, and mobile. Let’s review each of the types in more detail.

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Standalone Embedded Systems

Standalone embedded systems are flexible and efficient, as they don't require a host or a larger platform, like a processor, to rely on. This type of embedded device takes input data in a digital or analog format and delivers it through a connected device. The outcome of data processing is displayed through a connected device. 

Among standalone embedded systems examples are video cameras, digital watches, MP3 players, temperature measurement devices, washing machines, etc. 

Real-Time Embedded Systems

Real-time embedded systems deliver outputs within particular time frames, mainly used by time-sensitive sectors like healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, etc. There are three categories of real-time embedded systems — “soft,” “firm,” and “hard.” 

Timelines aren’t crucial for the performance of soft real-time embedded systems. This means the system's output will still be accepted even if the deadline of a task is violated.

Soft real-time embedded systems examples: PCs, audio/video systems, weather monitoring systems, multimedia systems, etc.

Firm real-time embedded systems also can function regardless of a missed deadline. However, missing more than a couple of deadlines may lead to a massive system failure. 

Examples of firm real-time embedded systems are video conferencing, voice over Internet Protocol, instant messaging (IM), and ecommerce applications.  

By contrast to the previous types of real-time embedded systems, the successful performance of hard real-time embedded systems completely depends on compliance with deadlines. In this case, a missed deadline equals system failure. 

Here are some examples of hard real-time embedded systems: flight control systems, missile guidance systems, weapons defense systems, medical systems, and air traffic control systems.

Network Embedded Systems

Network embedded systems operate using wired/wireless networks they connect to. This type of embedded system can connect and communicate with external systems and devices instead of performing their tasks only within a device. 

Here are a few examples of network embedded devices we use daily: home/office security systems, ATMs, and POS systems.  

Mobile Embedded Systems

Mobile embedded systems are devices that are easily portable and are used for versatile mobile devices. This type of embedded system has memory limitations, yet it is still quite popular, as it can work on the go. 

Here are some examples of mobile embedded devices we use daily: cell phones, laptops, and calculators.  

Five real-life examples of embedded systems

Let’s review five real-life examples of embedded systems LS’ embedded engineering team built for our clients from сonsumer electronics, agritech, automotive, healthcare, and industrial IoT domains.   

1. Bioprinters for 3D modeling of human organs

CELLINK - 5 Embedded Systems- Lemberg Solutions

CELLINK is a bioconvergence innovator in developing bioprinters to produce biomaterials. CELLINK combines biology, engineering, and computer science to further the development of bioprinting technologies of the future. This innovative startup promotes the development of such industries as personalized healthcare, cell-cultured food, drugs, and regenerative medicine.  

The principle of bioprinter operation is similar to 3D printing. A digital file is used as a blueprint to print an object by layers. The key difference here is that bioprinters print using cells and other biomaterials to build organ-like structures, enabling cells to multiply. 

The potential of bioprinting is vast as it can solve such challenges as organ transplantation, regenerative medicine and the reproductive field. Currently, printed organs and tissues are used for pharmacology research to develop safe and effective drugs with no risks during trial. 

Learn about our embedded software development services for CELLINK 3D bioprinters:  

2. An automated system for pig-weight monitoring

Embedded vision prototype - 5 Embedded Systems - Lemberg Solutions

Lemberg Solutions built a first-in-its-kind automated system for pig-weight monitoring that works based on image recognition. Our experts used computer vision and non-iterative neural networks to create this device.

Regular pig weight monitoring is pivotal, enabling farmers to control pigs’ health. However, conventional weight measurement methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially on large farms. That’s why Barkom, a Ukrainian agricultural company, decided to create a solution that would automate daily weight checks. 

The automated pig weight monitoring system is based on a computer vision prototype that works using a set of non-iterative neural networks and an innovative image recognition algorithm. The device allows visual estimation of the pig’s weight.  

Find more details about the development of the pigs’ weight measurement device: 

3. A battery management system for hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles

AUTOSAR-based battery management - 5 Embedded Systems- Lemberg Solutions

An advanced battery management system built by Lemberg Solutions ensures correct driving range determination, prolongs battery pack lifespan, and reduces the risk of fire incidents. The enhanced SoC and SoH algorithms reach a 96–98% performance accuracy by analyzing data from such sensors as temperature, current, battery chemistry, and capacity. 

Our battery management system conforms to ASIL-D certification. It covers an extensive list of safety features, including Over/Under Voltage, Over/Under Temperature Protection, Short Circuit Detection, Cell Balancing, CAN Communication, and fault handling.

More details on the BMS project: 

4. A remote digital intensive-care solution

Electronic nurse device MVP - 5 Embedded Systems- Lemberg Solutions

TCC is a provider of state-of-the-art remote intensive care unit solution. The device enables hospitals to enhance their healthcare services and optimize the workload on intensive care specialists. 

The described ICU solution is an electronic nurse tablet that measures patients' vital signs like temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level, and respiratory rate. The device automatically generates further therapy and meal plans for a patient based on the results. Voice control is another feature that enables more comfortable use of this ICU solution. 

The tablet was printed using a high-performance polymer 3D printer based on an IoT prototype. Our engineering team also embedded a waterproof USB Type-C connector as a peripheral component of the device and engaged a UV printing provider for the logotype.

More about the ICU solution we built for TCC:  

5. A BLE-enabled industrial thermostat configured and controlled via mobile apps

eCap electronic thermostat - 5 Embedded Systems- Lemberg Solutions

Selco develops innovative thermal management products for manufacturing companies in versatile domains like HVAC, food services, medicine, telecommunication, appliances, process controls, and industrial instrumentation. 

The device we built is a wireless-controlled thermostat with a BLE module controlled with the help of native iOS and Android applications. Our embedded team developed the firmware utilizing a BLE evaluation kit and ported the codebase into the device. 

Find out more about the development of electronic thermostats in the case study: 

Final word  

After reviewing five real-life embedded systems examples, you can decide whether embedded engineering is an optimal solution for your business and tech challenges. An embedded system can control a specific function of your device or perform as an entire operating system, the extent of functionalities only depends on your requirements. 

To get a custom consultation on your specific embedded engineering needs, contact us, and our experts will get back to you shortly and provide you with all the answers you need.  

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