Olena Herasymchuk, Creative Content Writer at Lemberg Solutions
Olena Herasymchuk
Content Writer

Articles by Olena Herasymchuk

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6 minutes
Real-Life Examples of Embedded - Lemberg Solutions - Meta

5 Real-Life Examples of Embedded Systems

Are you considering enhancing your device with embedded functionality or building an embedded system from scratch? Keep reading our quick review of five real-life examples of embedded systems we built for our clients. We’ll guide you through five embedded engineering projects in the consumer electronics, agritech, automotive, healthcare, and industrial IoT domains.  

Make no stay and keep reading for more insights.

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13 minutes
Designing High-Speed Neural Networks_ An Interview with a leading Data Science Expert - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image

Designing High-Speed Neural Networks: an Interview with a Leading Data Science Expert

High-speed neural networks provide a wealth of opportunities for your business. Keep reading to learn what the process of designing high-speed neural networks looks like, what benefits this innovative technology has to offer, and what types of businesses can take advantage of this solution.