Taras Kunyk | Mobile Engineer at Lemberg Solutions
Taras Kunyk
Mobile Engineer

Articles by Taras Kunyk

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5 minutes
native app vs html5 app - Lemberg Solutions

Native Approach vs. HTML5: What App Development Approach is Better

Learn more about native apps vs. HTML5 app development approaches in our post. Get to know the differences, benefits, and peculiarities of each solution.
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7 minutes
Business Points for Choosing Native or Hybrid App Development - Lemberg Solutions

Business Points for Choosing Native or Hybrid App Development

A hybrid or native mobile app development services — which option to choose? We face this question very frequently when a customer asks us to make a suggestion in app development or when we plan to develop our own product. On the one hand, hybrid mobile development helps to save time because there is only one code compiled for multiple platforms (Android, iOS, etc.).