Taras Hrabovenskyy, Account Manager at Lemberg Solutions
Taras Hrabovenskyy
Account Manager

Articles by Taras Hrabovenskyy

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7 minutes
Story points image - Lemberg Solutions

Story Points Estimation: From Theory to Practice

When you have already found the team for your software or hardware product development and all the requirements are ready, you're probably in the stage of planning the development process itself.

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7 minutes
Guide on Managing Your Remote Product Development Team - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image

Guide on Managing Your Remote Product Development Team [Client’s Handbook]

When we meet a new client, say, a startup in the automotive industry or a consumer electronics manufacturer, we often receive dozens of questions on how development workflow actually goes. In this article, we've covered the project management side — participants and their roles, basic concepts, project management software, as well as reasons for failure and ways to success.