Oleg Chemerys, Drupal Team Lead at Lemberg Solutions
Oleg Chemerys
Drupal Team Lead

Articles by Oleg Chemerys

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6 minutes
Drupal 7 End of Life - What to do next? - Lemberg Solutions - Meta

Drupal 7 End of Life: What to Do Next?

How to survive through Drupal 7 end of life, what are the risks of running the outdated websites, and why you should consider migration — in our article.
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7 minutes
Top Drupal Distributions to Consider for Software Development in 2023 - Lemberg Solutions - Meta image

Top Drupal Distributions to Consider for Software Development in 2023

There are many Drupal 9 distributions to help you build complex and beautiful websites in the short term. You can use a Drupal project management distribution, distributions for education, content management, and other distributions with versatile functionality.

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5 minutes
An Interview with Taco Potze, CEO at Open Social - Lemberg Solutions Blog

Lemberg Talks: An Interview with Taco Potze, CEO at Open Social

Lemberg Talks are back! Now in an exciting new format of video interviews with our clients. This first one features an insightful conversation LS Drupal developer Oleg Chemerys had with Taco Potze, founder and CEO at Open Social, back in July.
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7 minutes
Hire Drupal developer - Lemberg Solutions

Make It with Drupal. Tips on How to Find the Most Suitable Developers

Why Drupal and how to find real professionals? We prepared a brief guide that will help you pick the best candidates for your project.